Rest in peace, brother.

So as you might know, we stopped working on EsysX around 2 weeks ago. We know that it is hard to understand whats going on and why we currently cannot sell any license. That’s why we are clarifying the reason today. And no, we did not get sued by any company.
But lets start with a bit more background knowledge: EsysX has always been the work of multiple persons living all around the globe, each one having their own piece of knowledge. Long time ago, we joined forces and put everything together to develop EsysX. What started as a simple launcher, became much more advanced by adding an FSC generator, EGS reset and an Expert version, that adds any feature we would have wanted for so long, as we are working ourselves on cars on a daily basis.
At the beginning of August, we decided to implement new features based on customer suggestions, to develop what YOU need in your daily work. We made an instagram post to get your ideas which gave us awesome feedback. We were looking forward to seeing your suggested features in action.
At that time, the whole world was working slower as normally as it had very high temperatures or even fires in many countries. So we concluded to slow down and wait for a more pleasant weather.
In the middle of an implementation for new features, we couldnt get ahold of one of our valued team member who was in charge for the new code and already deployed some of the changes. As it was too hot outside and we knew that fires could be around his place, we thought he might have went for a little cooling or to get to safety.
As the days went by without any communication, we had a strange feeling already. We tried to call but it would not get answered. In the meantime, pre-built licenses ran out and we decided to put out a notice that people will get a compensation for their bought licenses as soon as we resume to ship them out. At that time, we hoped to be back up soon.
Almost 1 week later we got the message we have all been scared of: our team member passed away. Having a business and personal relationship for over a decade, that deeply hurt and we didnt even know how to go on from there. So we decided to refund any order which had not been fulfilled until then.
And that’s pretty much where we stand now. We are in deepest sorrow and need some time to see how this project can be continued. There were some recent code changes from our guy that half went live but couldnt be shared within the team, so this part of the work also passed away without us knowing anything about it. We definitely want to keep this project going but that’s not something we can decide today. We desperately are looking for any information we can get to keep on running EsysX. We are keeping the servers alive so current licenses can continue to be used.

So for now, there is only one thing we can say with certainty: Dear team member and brother, your work had an inestimable value for so many people. It was an honor to work with you and you will never be forgotten. Rest in peace, brother.