License Comparison

Feature Standard Expert 8HP EGS ISN Reset
Supports Esys Versions 3.24.3, 3.26.1, 3.27.1, 3.28.0, 3.29.0, 3.30.0, 3.30.1, 3.31.x, 3.32.x, 3.33.x, 3.34.x, 3.35.x , 3.36.x, 3.37.1, 3.37.2 (32 & 64-bit)* 3.32.x, 3.33.x, 3.34.x, 3.35.x, 3.36.x, 3.37.1, 3.37.2 (only 64-bit versions)* 3.32.x, 3.33.x, 3.34.x, 3.35.x, 3.36.x, 3.37.1, 3.37.2 (only 64-bit versions)*
Untrimmed PSdZ
Visual FA/VO editor for options (SALAPA, HO-words, E-words)
Option to show conditional parameters in CAF/FDL Viewer
NCD Comparison (Winmerge)
FDL Scripting
FDL Cheatsheets
FSC Generator for Maps (CIC, NBT, NBT Evo ID4, EntryNav)**
Series information in connection dialog
Evaluation of conditions in CAF/FDL Viewer
Construction Preview SVT calculation
NCD/FDL calculation with FA + SVT (“SVT-CAFD” / “FA-CAFD” Integration from NCDCAFD Tool) featuring 2 calculation modes and quick compare (2 FA/VOs)
One-Click-Backup (Vehicle Order, Vehicle Profile, SVTs, I-Steps, VIN, all NCDs)
KIS features (SVT node descriptions)
Reboot ECU function
Read additional information from ECU (serial number, context infos)
8HP*** EGS ISN Reset

* 64-bit Update must be purchased in order to use 64-bit versions of Esys
** 50 CIC/NBT codes, one NBT Evo ID4 and no EntryNav codes included. More can be bought over our shop. Lifetime code for Route maps currently not available.
*** Compatible 8HP SWFLs:
swfl_00000a81.bin.000_056_000, swfl_00000a81.bin.000_057_000 , swfl_00000a81.bin.000_058_000, swfl_00000a81.bin.000_066_002, swfl_00000a81.bin.000_067_000, swfl_00000a81.bin.000_068_000, swfl_00000a81.bin.000_074_000, swfl_00000a81.bin.000_077_000, swfl_00000a81.bin.000_088_001, swfl_00000a81.bin.000_090_000, swfl_00000a81.bin.000_091_000, swfl_00000a81.bin.000_094_000, swfl_00000a81.bin.000_095_000, swfl_00000a81.bin.000_096_000, swfl_00000a81.bin.000_097_000,

swfl_00001dc7.bin.000_022_001, swfl_00001dc7.bin.000_026_000, swfl_00001dc7.bin.000_029_000, swfl_00001dc7.bin.000_031_000,
swfl_00001dc7.bin.000_037_001,  swfl_00001dc7.bin.000_045_000, swfl_00001dc7.bin.000_046_000, swfl_00001dc7.bin.000_048_000, swfl_00001dc7.bin.000_052_000, swfl_00001dc7.bin.000_056_000