If you haven’t checked out our last blog about Scripting, best do so, as Scripts will be part of FDL Coding which we will describe in this post.

An important note: Our features will be available from any location and any PC you have.


Our online storage contains of all CAFs from the latest release, always up to date. You do not have to upload or open your local CAFs in our application, just choose the one you like from our application and open it in our new CAF-Viewer.

Open any CAF by selecting it in our online CAF storage and click “Open in CAF Viewer”


The selected CAF is displayed exactly as in Esys, CAF2 (Coding 2) and CAF3 (Coding 3) support is already implemented.



Now coming to FDL editing, or editing your NCDs: You just have to upload your NCD which you read out from any car or which you have created in the NCD preparation in Esys. Your NCD will be converted to our own FDL format which you can change, again, just like you would in Esys. We have also added the former EsysX Expert function to evaluate the conditions of each param, so you can see, when those are actually set in a car, e.g. Param XY is enabled if “SALAPA 609 is present in FA”. This feature will also be in our new CAF-Viewer.
After editing the FDL, you simply download the NCD and add it to the CAFD SVT node in the coding window. We will have a detailed description available on launch.

Additionally, you can apply the Scripts, which you have created in our Script Creator. If you do not know yet, what those scripts are, please read our last blog post. To summarize: those are Scripts that set specific parameters for an ECU. Those scripts can be

  • Downloaded as “FDL Scripts” (.csr) for usage with EsysX or other launchers
  • They can be applied in our FDL Editor
  • They can also be activated as “One-Click-Script”. You will receive a unique code for that script which you can send to customers or use yourself to code any BMW WITHOUT Esys/Psdzdata/any launcher installed. More on that as we come close to releasing those features.

We will also be supporting “Cheat Sheets” (XML).

Our FDL-Editor works exactly like Esys, you do not have to adapt to a new way of editing your NCDs